
PTA Meeting Thu., May 28, 6-6:45pm

The next PTA meeting is Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 6pm on Zoom.
See the ParentSquare meeting post for meeting number and password. If you are not on ParentSquare, email for meeting info.

Hop on this quick call so we can vote in a budget to do work over the summer and wrap up the year.
We will condense business into 45 minutes and leave time at the end to say “hi” with Mr. Hartford and each other.


  1. (5 min) Welcome: online call ground rules
  2. (5 min) Icebreaker
  3. (5 min) Approval of April minutes, summary of May Board meeting
  4. (5 min) Finances – reports to be added before the meeting
    1. Financial and treasurer’s reports
    2. Ratify checks
    3. Vote to release funds for spending until next meeting
  5. (10 min) Budgets – budget to be added closer to the meeting
    1. Update: projected 2019-20 actuals
    2. 2020-21 interim budget proposal to vote on. This budget carries us through the summer and start of next year until finalized budget usually in September.
    3. Advocacy
  6. (10) Year in review, feedback for improvement, volunteers for future initiatives like online welcome materials
  7. (5) New business from the “floor”
  8. Meeting adjourned
  9. (15 min) Optional: social time. Hang out and say “hi” to Mr. Hartford and each other.